The Psychological Impact on Human-Computer Interaction

Savindhya Amavi Surasena
2 min readAug 10, 2021


Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash

Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) is
the development of a very useful computing system
from the field of psychology and other sociology,
which combine computer science and related
technical fields. It is a complication of applied and
fundamental research, which contributes to
psychological research and ideas. HCI researches
are continually challenging new options for newer
technologies for new audiences and practices. A
number of useful methods have been developed
based on psychological principles. This paper will
discuss the overview of how psychology enhances
the human-computer interaction with popular
psychological theories and principals.

Human-Computer –Interaction is the study of how
people interact with computers and HCI is
the multidisciplinary field which is related to
psychology and other social science with the goal of
making ̳computer systems‘ that are both useful and
usable. With the new technologies HCI researchers
continuously update and it would be a challenge to
study about this area. However, more and more
designers are using advanced psychological research
and in order to create more effective designs which
achieving the goal of usability.

The Human-Computer Interaction and Phycology is a study of
the intersection between psychology and sociology or
computer science and technology. Researchers who have done analysis and design about Human-Computer-Interaction show that study about the latest in research in psychology enhance the impact of the
UI/UX design. Every input and output the
developers must consider the between interaction
between the user and computer because of the
interaction is much like a discussion between user and computer, user interface design is often referred
to as ―dialogue design.

