The Aesthetic Usability Effect — UX law

Savindhya Amavi Surasena
3 min readSep 9, 2021


Photo by Matthieu Brajon on Unsplash

If you are aspiring to become a UI/UX field as a practice you have to go through UX Laws and principles and you have to checklist after completing a design or concept.

So today let’s discuss “The Aesthetic Usability Effect”

Aesthetic usability effect refers to the user’s tendency to perceive the attractive product as more usable. People tend to believe that things that look better will work better even if they aren’t actually more effective or efficient. Did you get the point? Your answer might be “No”. Let’s understand this law like this.

I think your answer would be “B” for both images. Isn’t it? That’s the psychology behind the people. People prefer good looking products. Sometimes “A” products can be more effective than “B” products but B products are perceived as easier to use than “A” products.

So same thing we can apply for the user experience design.

Users are more forgiving of usability flaws on your site because they have a favourable emotional response to beautiful visual design. From your point of view, this is usually a good thing. This impact is one of the main reasons why a good user experience can’t only be a functional UI; it’s worth the time and effort to develop a beautiful as well as useful interface.

Above images, you can see one image is full of text we cannot recognize what the website is about at a glance. But the second image you can guess at a glance what is about. It fosters a positive attitude in users and is more readability accepted.

From the “Aesthetic Usability Effect” what we can take is

  1. An aesthetically pleasing design creates a positive response in people’s brains and leads them to believe the design actually works better.
  2. People are more tolerant of minor usability issues when the design of a product or service is aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Visually pleasing design can mask usability problems and prevent issues from being discovered during usability testing.

If you want to know more details about aesthetic law refer following links.

I hope you get something from my article. Stay safe.

